Our Mission
About Us
UAGPAN is a global policy network that strives to establish and schematize an international framework for enhancing global policy governed in developing countries using the United States and other developed democratic infrastructures as framework. UAGPAN promotes economic, political, social and institutional development through advocacy, charity research, and outreach.
Our Goal: The main goal of UAGPAN is to use public policy to lift millions out of poverty. We help developing nations to discover new paths to dignity, equity, peace for their populations on an environmentally safe earth. We foster dynamic policies for national sustainability. For the above purposes, UAGPAN actively engages in relative charity work and advocacy and research to encourage leaders groups and entities to implement policies for the common good.
The Mission: The mission of US-Africa Global Policy Network is expand policy innovation, positively engage developing entities in policy mechanisms that foster the well-being of their citizens. We actively promote charity work and advocacy for individuals, groups, women, youths and nations in order to actively enhance nation-building, political stability and democratic advancement in developing nations. We do this by using the US and other western democratic policy tools as the foundational framework and punch tools to provide workable models and strategies for progress, development, leadership advancement, good governance, equitable justice and transparency in the machinery of government. Existent international policies, political and developmental frameworks, typological models are structured and customized to suit groups, nations with proposals and recommendations made to developing entities according to paradigmatic suitability and as needed.
What We Do
UAGPAN provides policy strategies and typologies on nation building and sustenance through the provision and dissemination of requisite national and international policy, legal and quasi information. We develop applicable policy / legal models for the advancement of developing countries based on existent developed world models. We recommend these models to developing regional bodies / blocks, their leadership and populations for the purposes of policy, political and economic progress. UAGPAN. continues to assist populations globally to achieve developmental dreams and goals through the application of integrative and typologically specific strategies and policies.
As a Think Tank, we engage in research based on policy models derived from the United States and other advanced and developed policy infrastructure as the encasing foundational framework in order to discover new applicable and workable policy tools and strategies that would promote progressive paths to national development, sustainability and stability in developing nations. Existent international policies, political and developmental frameworks and typological models are are also researched and customized to suit groups, nations and leaders, with proposals and recommendations made to developing entities according to paradigmatic suitability and as needed. Consequentially, UAGPAN recommends and provides, the above actionable policy tools and typologies to leaders for nation building, enhancement of the public administration and political processes for the benefit of their populations and citizens.
Through Seminars, workshop and Training sessions, we reach leaders, women and youths to provide actionable tools development and sustainability. We join the United Nations to advocate for dignity, equality and peace on a healthy Earth.
As advocates for good governance, UAGPAN promotes equity, justice, rule of law and transparency in governance. UAGPAN promotes and advances local and international policies of developing entities as a means of enhancing gradual integration into the global community of democracies while improving the policy schema, as well as encouraging cooperation between regional blocks on the global stage.
Operational Framework:
The core of UAGPAN’s operational framework encapsulates guiding nations and states in Africa and globally in the advancement of national policies for restructuring, enhancement of developmental goals in the areas of political, social, economic growth. We create awareness for national advancement and international cooperation through forums, conferences, webinars, educational policy workshops, training, and individual organizational sessions. UAGPAN enhances and engenders the remodeling and improvement of existing archaic and or non-functional policy and practice mechanisms and machineries of governments.
We help developing nations, national leaders, professionals and technocrats to make wise and nouvelle technological choices in the policy implementation process. With UAGPAN’s guidance, they learn new methods to improve, reorganize, restructure or replace existent outdated national policies and practices with our recommended best new models and practices. We work with organization, national leaders, legislatures, administrators, policy-makers, universities, groups at national and international levels in Africa and other developing countries to target core-developmental issues that affect them. We assist them to build around emergent developmental opportunities that lead to better policy and political decision-making, governmental empowerment and sustainable economic growth. We welcome all those who wish to benefit and participate in our project and network to partner with us as we promote national development and consultative advice through this network. UAGPAN is primarily located in New York. It is a global NGO, incorporated in New York, USA.