Our Programs
Program 1
UAGPAN programs are channeled towards enhancement of national policies for restructuring, advancement of developmental goals in the areas of political, social, economic growth for the benefit of the less-privileged and those threatened by humanitarian crisis. UAGPN enhances and engenders the remodeling and improvement of existing archaic and non-functional policy and practice mechanisms and machineries governments. We help developing nations, national leaders, professionals and technocrats to make wise and nouvelle technological choices. With UAGPN guidance, they learn new methods to improve, reorganize, restructure or replace existent outdated national policies and practices with our best new practices. UAGPN enhances and engenders the remodeling and improvement of existing archaic and non-functional policy and practice mechanisms and structures of governments. We help developing nations, national leaders, professionals and technocrats to make wise and nouvelle policy choices. With UAGPN guidance, they learn new methods to improve, remodel reorganize, restructure or replace existent and outdated national policies and practices with our best new practices.
We work with organization, national leaders, legislatures, administrators, policy-makers, universities, groups at national and international levels in Africa and other developing countries to target core-developmental issues that affect them. We assist them to build around emergent developmental opportunities that lead to better policy and political decision-making, governmental empowerment and sustainable economic growth. Through our programs, we arm leaders and others with the policy tools for improving restructuring the public administration process, enhancement of developmental goals in the areas of political, social, economic and growth. We welcome all those who wish to benefit and participate in our project and network to partner with us as we promote national development and consultative advice through this network. We welcome partners who wish to benefit and participate in our project and network as we promote national development and consultative advice through this network.
Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
29 Virginia Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Research, Professional Policy Education - Consultation and Training Program 2
As a Think-Tank, we partner and work with higher education institutions research and offer professional consultative advice and work with organization, national leaders, legislatures, administrators, policy-makers, universities, groups at national and international levels in Africa and other developing countries to target core-developmental policy issues. We offer advice on diverse policy areas that include legal, the process of policy administration involving Rule-making, Legislative Process, Grant-Writing, Legal Briefs and others that revolve around policy education. We run our programs through the provision of community services, educational services, research and training, conferences, symposiums, seminars, awareness sessions We create awareness for national advancement and international cooperation through forums, conferences, webinars, educational policy workshops, training, and individual organizational sessions. We create awareness on national advancement and international cooperation through forums, conferences, webinars, educational policy workshops, Zoom sessions and training, and individual organizational sessions.
Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345
Program 3
Through the provision of technological tools and programs, UAGPAN helps youth, job seekers, emergent entrepreneurs, national leaders, politicians, groups and individuals as we provide and point them to the best suitable educational and technological environmental policy packages for their varied needs. The programs provide all interested groups the specific tools they need for empowerment and advancement in the specified areas. We enable young people and students with educational and technological tools. We offer students and young people the opportunity to have access to computers, laptops, books, stationery and other educational materials and several other technological tools as are needful through community and educational establishments made possible through the generosity of our kind donors.
Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
29 Virginia Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Program 4
Through our advocacy program, we join other groups to provide legal and quasi help to groups and individuals who have experienced legal rights’ violations such as of injustice, inequity, humanitarian crisis and /or any other rights violation including infringements on human rights.
Call: Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
29 Virginia Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Program 5
Our “UAGPAN CARES” is also specially designed and geared towards charity for the teeming millions in recent times who are faced with hunger, poverty and other devastations of humanitarian crisis, removed from their homes, farmlands, land and other sources of income and those affected by natural disasters and other debilitating circumstances such as hurricanes, wild fires, storms, terrorism, etc.
Through the “JOBS FOR YOUTHS” program, we discover and recommend job openings for the jobless. We also contact and encourage financial institutions to extend soft loans to new and promising entrepreneurial programs and small businesses.
Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
29 Virginia Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
community Reach-out
The organization carries out reach-outs in immediate communities where we have on-going programs and services.
We encourage volunteers and other interested individuals or groups to join us.
Call: Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
29 Virginia Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550